Schedule of Events

Wednesday, 03 July 2024
9:00 - 16:00 
Basics of Leadership (two-day) [ON-SITE WORKSHOP]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bldg. 50.41, seminar room 145/146 (1st floor) …
Carola Pachunke, Training – Coaching – Mindfulness

The event will be held in English and run for two days, on July 3 and 4, 2024.
As a young researcher, you often take on leadership tasks for the first time – in your current position or in the course of your next career step. Being new to a leadership role can be challenging in itself while experiences might differ in terms of gender and personality.
This workshop will support you as a young leader to build a good understanding of what it means to establish a successful leadership style. Motivation, flexibility and transparency regarding communication and delegation are key factors to meet the demands of your role as a leader. An awareness of your inner attitude, self-reflection and a conscious development of your role with its various conditions help to create value in a positive and sustainable manner.
Which mindset enables you to fulfill the role as a leader convincingly? What are your expectations of your team members and what are their expectations of you as a leader? Where do you find yourself in terms of “command and control” versus “confidence in the ability of your members to organize themselves” and fulfill their tasks? Alongside these general leadership topics, it will be helpful to discuss if there are specific challenges or chances as a female or male leader and how to deal with them.
We will explore the following contents:
•            Basics of Leadership
•            Mindful Leadership
•            Management by objectives
•            4 roles of effective leadership and their principles
•            Agile Leadership
•            Skillful Delegation
•            Identification of your key traits and values as a leader
•            Gender-specific aspects of Leadership
There will be short inputs, group discussions, exercises, exploration of challenging leadership situations and reflection of your personal leadership style.
This event is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on July 3 and 4, 2024.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Tuesday, 10 September 2024
13:00 - 15:00 
No More “Hiding in Plain Sight”! Better Problem-Solving through Conscious Observation (five-day) [ON-SITE WORKSHOP]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bldg. 50.41, seminar room 145/146 (1st floor) …
Dr. Stefan Götze, Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)

The event will be held in English and run for five days, on September 10, 17 and 24, 2024 and on October 1 and 8, 2024.
In problem-solving, an often untapped source of greater creativity lies in the activities that precede the actual “thinking” about possible solutions. As numerous instances in the history of science demonstrate, answers to pressing problems often are available all along but go unnoticed for some time due to our tendency to observe superficially: when confronted with a problem, we often take the situation as given or jump-start right away into searching for solutions. By skipping deliberate inspection, we run the risk of overlooking helpful features or misinterpret information. (As an approximation of the potential of investing in “observation” for scientific problem-solving, conduct a Google Scholar search with the term “overlooked” and your discipline.)
In this workshop, we explore the nature of human perception and its relation to problem-solving – both in theory and in practice. We dive into the many ways how information intake and processing can be distorted by our brains; through engaging activities, you will train your ability to observe situations more consciously and to question your implicit assumptions about them. As a result, you will learn how to “see more” and thus advance your ability to solve problems.   
Please note: This workshop will be implemented partially on-site and online. The respective format for each session will be announced prior to the beginning of the course.
The event will be held in English and run for five days, on September 10, 17 and 24, 2024 and on October 1 and 8, 2024.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Monday, 16 September 2024
16:45 - 18:15 
[KHYS Postdoc Days 2024] Welcome Event for Postdocs
KIT, Campus Süd
Geb. 30.95 …

Have you just started your postdoc at KIT? And would you like to know more about the services offered at KIT for postdocs? Then come and join other German and international KIT postdocs at the Welcome Event for Postdocs.
We will give you plenty of information on how to best profit from the postdoc phase - including information on networking and internationalization programs as well as services offered at the KHYS Postdoc Office and other service units at KIT. In addition, there will be two brief testimonials by more advanced early career researchers. They will share their experiences with you concerning their own postdoc phase and will be happy to answer your questions.
This event is open to postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members. It will be most interesting in particular for those who have recently started their postdoc phase at KIT.
This event is part of the KHYS Postdoc Days 2024 and is sponsored by the Helmholtz Association. It is also part of this year's Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024
9:00 - 17:00 
Präsentieren für Nachwuchsforschende (zweitägig) [PRÄSENZ WORKSHOP]
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Geb. 50.19, Raum 328 (3. OG) …
Dr. Holger Breithaupt, NaWik

Die Veranstaltung findet an zwei Tagen statt, am 18. und 19. September 2024.
Forschende müssen ihre Arbeit regelmäßig für verschiedene Zielgruppen präsentieren – auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, in Laborsitzungen sowie bei Tagen der offenen Tür und anderen Informationsveranstaltungen. Häufig stehen ihnen dabei nur wenige Minuten zur Verfügung, daher gilt es, das eigene Forschungsthema möglichst prägnant und verständlich zu vermitteln.
In der Veranstaltung erwerben die Teilnehmenden sowohl Grundlagenwissen als auch anwendbare, praktische Kenntnisse zur Wissenschaftskommunikation. Unter Anleitung des Dozierenden erfahren sie in praktischen Übungen, wie ein wirkungsvoller Vortrag aussehen kann. Mit Hilfe einer Videoanalyse erkennen die Teilnehmenden ihre individuellen Stärken und optimieren Schritt für Schritt ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten. Sie lernen auch, wie sie auf kritische Fragen aus dem Plenum reagieren können.
Thematische Schwerpunkte
Die Kernbotschaft formulieren Methoden der Vortragsentwicklung Storytelling Auftreten, Mimik und Gestik Reagieren auf Fragen aus dem Publikum  
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Promovierende und Postdocs am KIT (Mitglieder des KHYS).
Der Workshop findet an zwei Tagen statt, am 18. und 19. September 2024.
Bitte melden Sie sich frühzeitig per E-Mail ab, wenn Sie nicht an einer Veranstaltung teilnehmen können. Damit können Personen von der Warteliste nachrücken und Sie helfen uns, die Qualität des Weiterbildungsprogramms aufrecht zu erhalten. Vielen Dank!

Wednesday, 02 October 2024
14:00 - 17:00 
Business Studies in a Nutshell (three-day) [ONLINE WORKSHOP]
Online Seminar
Dr. Alexander Egeling, Trainer and Coach

The event will be held in English and run for three days, on October 2, 9 and 16, 2024.
The workshop provides a compact introduction to the basics of business administration for those who have not studied it. In addition to the explanation of typical economic thinking and theories, this primarily concerns insights into the areas of corporate management, organization, controlling and marketing. In this workshop, knowledge is imparted that is needed after a job change to the business world in order to be able to understand and classify the processes in companies. At the same time, however, this is also increasingly relevant for scientific activities, especially in the area of third-party funded projects; for the preparation of one's own self-employment it is essential. Trying out and practicing what has been learned also focuses on areas that can already be used in your current professional phase.
The following topics will be covered:
Business administration and economics in a nutshell: Which theories should you know and what do you need to keep in mind when working in a market-oriented environment? Internal management: How are processes within companies organized, implemented and controlled? What does corporate management, controlling and marketing involve? Founders, managers and myself: How can I use business knowledge in the future? And which insights can help me right now?  
The workshop is interactive and dynamic. Sequences of trainer input alternate with individual and group work. The participants will be able to contribute their own experiences and get answers on all their questions.
This event is open to doctoral researchers and postdocs at KIT who are KHYS members.
The event will be held in English and run for three days, on October 2, 9 and 16, 2024.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our Further Education Program. Thank you!

Thursday, 10 October 2024
9:00 - 13:30 
Stressmanagement. Gelassener durch den Wissenschaftsalltag (zweitägig) [PRÄSENZ WORKSHOP]
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Geb. 50.41, Raum 145/146 (1. OG) …
Manuela Schnaubelt, Trainerin für Stress- und Zeitmanagement, Diplom-Betriebswirtin, Systemischer Coach

Die Veranstaltung findet an zwei Tagen statt, am 10. und 24. Oktober 2024.
Stressmanagement ist heutzutage eine wichtige Kompetenz, um gesund und ausgeglichen die vielfältigen beruflichen und privaten Aufgaben und Anforderungen zu bewältigen. Vielleicht fühlen Sie sich manchmal erschöpft oder angespannt und möchten gelassener durch die Promotion oder die Postdoc-Phase und Ihr Forschungsprojekt gehen – oder wollen einfach nur potentiellen Stressbelastungen vorbeugen. Um gestärkt durch den Wissenschaftsalltag zu gehen, sind neben fachlicher Expertise und hoher Motivation auch eine gewisse Stressresistenz, ein gutes Selbstmanagement und ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Anspannung und Entspannung wichtig. Dieser Workshop bietet Ihnen ein abwechslungsreiches Angebot aus Informationen, Selbstreflexionen und praktischen Übungen für ein erfolgreiches Stressmanagement.
Die Themenschwerpunkte sind:
Stressentstehung und Auswirkungen auf Körper, Geist und Verstand Typische Stressfaktoren in der Promotions- und Postdoc-Phase erkennen und erfolgreich managen Den eigenen Stresstyp erkennen Persönliche Ziele, Werte, Einstellungen und mentale Stressverstärker reflektieren und neue Denk- und Verhaltensmuster entwickeln Individuelle Ressourcen stärken und Selbstmotivation steigern Entspannung in den Alltag integrieren.  
Nach dem ersten Termin erhalten die Teilnehmenden Aufgaben zur Vertiefung, die zu Hause bearbeitet werden können.
Wenn Sie über den Workshop hinaus eine Beratung zu persönlichen Herausforderungen oder Konfliktsituationen benötigen, können Sie sich an folgende Anlaufstellen wenden:
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Promovierende und Postdocs am KIT (Mitglieder des KHYS).
Die Veranstaltung findet an zwei Tagen statt, am 10. und 24. Oktober 2024.
Bitte melden Sie sich frühzeitig per E-Mail ab, wenn Sie nicht an einer Veranstaltung teilnehmen können. Damit können Personen von der Warteliste nachrücken und Sie helfen uns, die Qualität des Weiterbildungsprogramms aufrecht zu erhalten. Vielen Dank!
