How can I apply?
You can either apply on your own or be nominated by supervisors or reviewers.
In which languages does the application have to be submitted?
The Excel table and the checklist must be submitted in English. All other documents can also be submitted in German. In principle, English is the preferred language, as the selection committee meets in English.
Am I eligible to apply for the KIT Doctoral Award even though I have taken my doctoral examination at a different university?
Yes, this is possible. The condition is that the major part of your research has taken place at KIT.
Until what date do I have to have attained my examination? Does the date of the oral examination apply or the date of the publication?
The date of the examination applies and needs to have taken place in the academic year (October 1 to September 30) prior to the call.
Can I apply for the KIT Doctoral Award even though I have not received my certificates yet?
Doctoral certificates can be submitted subsequently only in exceptional cases. However, the certificates have to be handed in at the latest by the point in time when the selection meeting of CRYS takes place. Please get in contact with KHYS in any case (▶ Nadja Mazko).
In which form do the application documents have to be submitted?
In digital form (PDF) via ▶ E-Mail only, with the exception of the doctoral thesis and the Excel sheet.
Your supervisor can hand in the nomination form separately.
Who is supposed to complete the assessment form?
The assessment form needs to be completed by your main supervisor.
Do I have to request the assessment form on my own or does KHYS do that for me?
You have to request the assessment form yourself.