Job Position
Position as a Research Assistant at KIT
A position as research assistant is the most common way of financing your doctorate and also offers you the opportunity of collecting extensive professional experience both in terms of research and teaching.
▶ Job opportunities for doctoral researchers at KIT are listed as "Akademische Mitarbeiter/Ingenieure (Master) (m/w/d)" and "Doktoranden (m/w/d)". Please be aware that generally there are not many open positions offered on the websites. If there is no suitable position offered, please contact a potential supervisor. Further information about searching for a potential supervisor can be found on this website ▶ Finding a Supervisor.
It is a vital concern to the KIT executive board, the KIT Senate and the staff council to offer a good work environment to those employed at KIT. For that reason, the executive board, senate and staff council have decided on the voluntary agreement ▶ Good Work at KIT.
External Job Positions
Working for a company or an extramural research institution offers you an additional possibility of financing your doctorate. In those cases you are generally employed directly by the company or research institution. You will write your dissertation during or outside of your working hours, depending on what has been agreed on.
You can find networking opportunities with potentially relevant companies during events such as ▶ Company meets Campus, organized by ▶ KIT-Career-Service.