FIT for Your Next Career Step

Get a Head Start with Interdisciplinary Competences

Interdisciplinary competences are required in all professions. They represent a decisive career building block during and after the doctoral phase. With our comprehensive range of courses you can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of your interdisciplinary qualifications. Your advantages:

  • Strengthening of your competences for current tasks
  • Early orientation on personal goals and career options
  • Specific competence development for career paths in academia, industry and founding of new business
The KHYS Further Education Program "Fit for your next career step" for doctoral researchers is tailored to the specific demands and challenges in this qualification phase and offers various flexible formats that can be easily integrated into busy daily schedules.
Further Education Especially for the Doctoral Phase

In the doctoral phase, the interdisciplinary qualification has specific focal points. The chart below provides an exemplary overview as well as orientation on which topics of interdisciplinary training are specifically relevant for doctoral researchers. Depending on prior knowledge and level of experience, the need may vary individually. Please also note other qualification offers for doctoral researchers in addition to the futher education program.

The KHYS Further Education Program "Fit for your next career step" is structured thematically as well as in accordance with specific career paths. For a complete overview of the courses in all subject areas and their assignment to the respective career paths, please visit the page ▶ FIT-Course Offerings.

Overview of exemplary focal points of further education for the doctoral phase (Click to enlarge)

FIT-Thematic Areas: The right courses at the right time. Find supporting course offerings during your whole doctoral phase that help you qualify in important fields.

FIT-Career Modules: Courses from each of the five thematic areas are assigned to one or more FIT-Career Modules. Target your skills to your future career paths by choosing courses from the appropriate module.

For a course overview, select one of the following access points:

FIT courseKHYS

If you are looking for support in specific areas, you can find the right courses by browsing through our entire program.

FIT-Course Offerings
FIT moduleFreepic/

Find out about dates or detailed course contents and sign up for offers.

Event Calendar & Registration

Get the print version: KHYS' annual course program at a glance.

Download Annual Course Program

Everything you need to know about registration and participation can be found here.

FAQ Registration & Participation


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Your contact persons are:

 ▶ Viola Schroff for organisational questions

 ▶ Nadine Civilotti und ▶ Dr. Claire Earnshaw for content-related matters



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