Conventions of Doctoral Researchers at KIT
The conventions of doctoral researchers represent the interests of the doctoral researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) formed in accordance with Art. 38 par. 7 of the State Higher Eduction Act (Landeshochschulgesetz; LHG).
The conventions are the basis for a dialogue between the organs of KIT and the doctoral researchers. They can give advise on issues pertaining to doctoral researchers and give recommendations to the organs of KIT. Drafts of doctoral ordinances are forwarded to the conventions for comments.
At KIT the conventions of doctoral researchers were introduced at a decentralized level. All doctoral researchers accepted at a KIT Department together form a convention and can actively participate in it. Each convention elects a board from its midst, which in turn represents its members.
Since June 2022, representatives of the conventions of doctoral researchers of all KIT Departments have formed the ▶ Beirat der Promovierenden im KIT-Konvent in order to bundle the interests of doctoral students beyond the faculty level and the work of the conventions of doctoral researchers.