Central Contacts and Guides
For all questions concerning the postdoc phase (e.g. general framework conditions, financing possibilities, interdisciplinary qualification and mobility measures, etc.), our KHYS Postdoc Office Coordinator, ▶ Jana Schmitt, will be happy to assist you. Please send your questions by email, call us or arrange a consultation appointment by phone.
Further Important KIT Service and Advisory Centers for Postdocs
- International postdocs: Information, advice, and practical support on administrative issues (e.g. visa matters) before departure and during your stay at KIT ▶ International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO)
- Offers which apply to university didactics ▶ Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA)
- Service and offers which apply to technology transfer and business Start-ups ▶ Innovation and Relations Management (IRM)
- Counseling and support for publicly funded third-party projects in the initiation and application phase, Pathways to a Professorship, Science Prizes ▶ Research Funding (FOR)
- Publication services for KIT scientists and researchers ▶ KIT Scientific Publishing
- Further education in general ▶ Center for Advanced Technological and Environmental Training (FTU) and ▶ Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA)
- ▶ Equal Opportunity at KIT
- Diversity at KIT ▶ Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA)
- Offers on the topic work & family ▶ KIT Family Portal
- ▶ Office for Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling
- ▶ University sports (with special offers for employee health)
- ▶ Contact persons for sexual harassment
- ▶ Personalservice (personnel support)
- ▶ Personalrat (staff council)
- ▶ Medizinische Dienste (medical services
- ▶ Schwerbehindertenvertretung (representatives for the severely handicapped)
- ▶ Netzwerk Gesundheit
- ▶ Compliance Staff Unit
- ▶ SEK "Kummerkasten" (suggestion box)
- ▶ Higher Education Law and Academic Affairs (DE HAA)