Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning the KHYS Aspirant Grant (Postdoc). A ▶ PDF version is available for download.
I am interested in coming to KIT as an aspirant but I don’t have any contacts to a KIT host. What should I do?
The aspirant has to take matters into her/his own hands and find a potential supervisor at KIT who would be interested in inviting the aspirant for the one-month stay. ▶Here, you can find a list of all KIT institutes for your search. Please note that the KIT applicant and the aspirant have to jointly apply for the Aspirant Grant (Postdoc)
How do I submit the application documents?
All documents should be in English. Please merge all documents into one PDF file in the corresponding order (excluding the Excel file and the statement of the KIT applicant regarding the plans for funding the potential postdoctoral project) and send the files to aspirant_postdoc ∂ khys kit edu.
Can doctoral researchers apply?
I have finished my doctorate quite some time ago. Can I apply?
Can a KIT group leader apply for the Aspirant Grant (Postdoc)?
KIT Associate Fellows and heads of certified KIT junior research groups can also apply. However, they need to hand in a letter of support from the head of institute. The letter should state that they are eligible to supervise the aspirant during his or her stay at KIT and that the guest will be provided with an adequate workspace. The letter should also contain an outlook regarding the support for the hiring/supervision of the postdoctoral researcher following a successful stay as an aspirant at KIT.
Is it possible to apply if a decision has already been made about doing a postdoc at KIT?
No, this is not possible since it does not correspond to the aim of the program. For both parties, the aspirant’s stay is meant as a basis for reaching a decision regarding a postdoc project at KIT. If, for example, the aspirant and the KIT supervisor have already decided to jointly apply for a scholarship for financing a postdoc at KIT, we expect that this decision has a firm basis and does not need to be validated during a stay at KIT. However, if both parties would like to get to know each other during the stay and discuss possible future funding options, this would be fine.
How should the KIT applicant describe the “activities/plans for the aspirant’s stay at KIT” in section A.2.3 of the application form?
How should the KIT applicant describe the previous cooperation with the aspirant in section A.3 of the application form?
How should the KIT applicant describe the “reasons for inviting this particular aspirant” in section A.4 of the application form?
How should the aspirant describe their “motivation for coming to KIT” in section B.3 of the application form?
The application requirements state that “the aspirant will have to be able to fulfil the requirements for acceptance as a postdoctoral researcher at KIT.” What does that mean?
Do the aspirants have to hand in certified copies of their degrees?
The call for application mentions that in case of a successful application, the notification of approval for non-EU citizens will be given under the condition of a positive outcome of the check regarding foreign trade regulations. What does this mean?
The legal department of KIT has to execute such a check for every non-EU guest scientist coming to KIT. It involves questions regarding the access to sensible data or the potential military use of the research done at the KIT institute in question. The KIT institute will provide the information needed for the assessment upon request.
What is the funding period?
This depends on the time of your application:
- For applications from January to August the stay should take place until November 30 in the same year.
- For applications from September to December the stay should take place until November 30 in the following year.
Please also refer to the ▶date published on our website when you apply. You can contact KHYS to discuss the specifics of your individual case.
What are the amount and the duration of the funding provided by the Aspirant Grant (Postdoc)?
The aspirant will receive a refund for the costs of the journey to Karlsruhe plus costs for accommodation for the one month stay. For the travel accounting process according to the provisions of the Baden-Württemberg travel expenses law (Landesreisekostengesetz, LRKG), the aspirant needs to provide all original receipts as well as payment confirmations for the following expenses:
- Visa application costs
- Airport/train station transfer costs within Germany
- Tickets (economy class only) for train journey or return flight
- Costs for accommodation that should not exceed EUR 1,200 for the one month. Higher costs need to be justified.
In the case of a successful application, further information will be provided with the funding approval.
Please note apart from the above-mentioned expenses additional costs can occur but will not be covered by KHYS.
What are the payment arrangements?
The process for the payment will be defined for each aspirant individually. As a rule, you will receive the reimbursement once the journey has been completed and the travel accounting process has been concluded. This means that the aspirant will have to pay for the journey in advance. KHYS will directly assign and pay out the grant to the aspirant. In order for KHYS to be able make a payment to the aspirants, KIT needs to conclude a Grant Agreement with the aspirant. This document will be provided to the aspirants after their arrival at KIT. For more information regarding the payment arrangements and possible exceptions, please contact ▶Andreas Hahmann or send an e-mail to aspirant_postdoc∂khys.kit.edu.
What are the tasks of the “buddy”?
The “buddy” assists the aspirant regarding administrative issues or questions concerning the facilities at KIT or living in Karlsruhe. This will above all consist in helping the aspirant to find suitable accommodation. It can also include showing the aspirant around KIT and Karlsruhe and helping her/him with visa matters.
Is it possible to extend the stay at KIT?
Is it possible to extend the stay in Germany in order to go on a holiday?
What visa will the aspirant need?
For the Aspirant Grant (Postdoc) it will be sufficient to apply for a Schengen Visa (Category C) with the purpose of a research stay. Among other things, the aspirant will have to provide a proof of accommodation for the stay in Karlsruhe. The KIT (post)doctoral researcher who serves as the aspirant’s buddy shall help him or her finding accommodation in Karlsruhe. Please also refer to the information ▶on our website. A letter of invitation will be provided by KHYS. Please note that the Category C visa cannot be extended. This means that with this visa the aspirant cannot extend his or her stay at KIT in order to actually start the postdoctoral project discussed during the stay. He or she will first have to leave Germany and apply for another visa.
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-46201 E-Mail: ▶ aspirant_postdoc∂khys.kit.edu
Person in charge: ▶ Denisa Kičmerová |