Incoming Programs

Here you will find external offers for incoming travel programs.



Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Georg-Forster Research Fellowship

Target group:
Postdoctoral and experienced researchers from a developing or emerging country (except China, India, Turkey)

Areas of studies:

Terms of application:
Doctorate should have been completed no more than four years prior. Scientific publications and research post must be available. Applicants have to have good knowledge of German and have their usual place of residence and work in a developing or emerging country. Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
EUR 2,670 a month for six to 24 months including medical and liability insurance, intensive language courses in Germany, travel expenses allowance, allowances for accompanying family members, alumni sponsorship

Applications may be submitted at any time. Desicions are made every February, June and October. Processing time is three to four months.

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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

Target group:
Exceptionally qualified postdoctoral researchers from abroad

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Doctorate should have been completed no more than four years prior. Before applying the candidate may not have stayed in Germany for an extended period of time.Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
Long-term research project (six to 24 months) with EUR 2,670 a month

Applications may be submitted at any time, at least four to seven months before the desired date of selection. Scientists from Brazil can currently only apply for a ▶ Capes Humboldt Research Fellowship.

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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – International Climate Protection Fellowship

Target group:
young scientists

Area of studies:
Climate and resource protection

Terms of application:
The first university degree (Bachelor's or equivalent) must have been obtained within the past 12 years, counting from the end of the application period. There must be a mentoring agreement with a host in Germany and a separate project plan must be agreed with the supervisor. Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
Monthly scholarship from EUR 2,170 to EUR 2,670; common program events such as several-week introductory seminar, training, final meeting, and one to two-month intensive language course and family and travel allowances

February 1, every year

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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supported by the Federal Foreign Office

Target group:
Researchers from any academic field and any country of origin who have completed their doctorate or a comparable academic degree (PhD, CSc or equivalent)

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Threatened researchers are eligible. For the Humboldt Foundation, neither the country of origin nor the country of residence are relevant, provided that a threat in the sense of the program is proven. Institutions that are interested in accepting threatened researchers but which do not have a specific person in mind can contact the Scholars at Risk Network (SAR), the Scholar Rescue Fund of the Institute of International Education (SRF) or the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA). Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
The scholarship is awarded for 24 months. Funds are provided for a research scholarship or rather a fulltime job. In addition, the host institution receives a one-time flat rate payment EUR 20,000.

Call for Papers is expected to start in summer 2024

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Canon Foundation in Europe – Research Fellowships (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
European and Japanese researchers

Area of studies:

Candidates are required to have obtained at least a Master's degree within the previous ten years. Exceptional candidates who obtained their qualification more than ten years prior to application will also be considered. Such candidates are required to provide further supporting information in their application. The European Fellowship holders pursue a period of research in Japanwhereas the Japanese Fellows do their research at host institutions in Europe.

Funding period/ funding amount:
3-12 months; The financial support for Research Fellows ranges from 22,500 Euro to 27,500 Euro per year and pro-rata for different periods.

September 15 every year

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Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) – Eastern Europe Program

Target group:
doctoral researchers and young scientists from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Area of studies:
All, except for the training of clergy/order members and usually doctoral studies in theology

Terms of application:
Applications are open to candidates with good knowledge of German and of Catholic Christian faith (in exceptional cases, another Christian denomination, as long as they are proposed by Catholic partners) who are seeking a research stay or a deepening of existing scientific knowledge in Germany. Also supported are doctoral and postdoctoral projects in Germany. Applications are also open to university teachers invited for short research visits to Germany.

Period/amount of funding:
A research stay (in particular, justified exceptional cases doctoral research projects from applicants with a degree in Germany may also be funded up to a maximum of three years).

January 15 (award of scholarship March)
June 30 (award of scholarship September)

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Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (MOST) – German-Israeli Cooperation in Water Technology Research) – Young Scientists Exchange Program (Inoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
Israeli and German diploma/M.Sc.-students, postgraduates, doctoral researchers, and postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
German-Israeli cooperation in water technology research.

Terms of application:
The scholarship is aimed at (young) scientists who wish to spend a training period in Israel or Germany for up to 6 months, but not less than 1 month. In order to apply successfully, the doctorate has to have been granted within the last three years. An informal application suffices.

Period/amount of funding:
Accommodation and living expenses (as lump sums): EUR 1.830, EUR 61 for additional days as lump sums, travel, extraordinary expenses: only on account *) The increased lump sum for the first month includes the costs for additional insurances (health, accident, luggage, private liability) that shall be contracted by the candidates for the period of their stay abroad according to the agreement.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Gerda Henkel Stiftung (Gerda Henkel Foundation) – Scholarship program (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
Postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Historical classical studies

Terms of application:
Applications must be made in English. Applicants should have doctorate and can demonstrate above-average success.

Period/amount of funding:
1-24 months, basic grant (postdoc EUR 2,300, scholars with postdoctoral lecture qualification EUR 3,100), support for foreign travel in the amount of EUR 575 a month, travel and material expenses, family allowance

Regularly May 22, 2024. In case of smaller funds, applications can be handed in any time. They will be processed within 3-4 months.

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) – STIBET Contact scholarships

Target group:
doctoral researchers and postdocs up to two years after finishing doctorate

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Application of the supervisor of the doctoral dissertation: informal letter, with an estimate of the completion date of the doctorate and the period of required support, curriculum vitae

Period/amount of funding:
five months (extension possible)

Contact is ▶ Oliver Kaas of International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO).

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The funding includes a 12-month international and a six month integration phase at a German university at which the funding recipients are employed over the entire period as a postdoctoral researcher. The application form is available in the DAAD application portal. With the exception of the certificates, all documents must be submitted in English, as the evaluation and selection will be carried out by international experts and an international commission.

Period/amount of funding:
The duration of the support is 18 months, of which the first 12 months are spent abroad (foreign phase) and the remaining six months in Germany (reintegration phase). The support is provided through a temporary employment, which is remunerated in accordance with TV-L salary group 13.

As a rule, the announcement of the call for applications is published on May 1 with a deadline for applications of August 31; the selection is usually made in February and the earliest funding start is June 1

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Program of project-based personnel exchange (PPP) (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
Graduates, doctoral researchers, postdocs, scientists

Area of studies:
Varies, depending on the program agreements with the partner country

Terms of application:
The aim of the program is to strengthen cooperation between international and German research groups. It is a bilateral program with 29 foreign partner countries. Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
Normally up to two years, with a possible extension for a further year (varies by destination country). Basic funding of the project must be secured by other means. The stay is then generally one month (with exceptions).

depends on destination country

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Postdoc program short-term scholarships (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
Postdocs (up to four years after doing their doctorate); doctoral researchers in the last stages of doing their doctorate ( at the start of the scholarship the doctoral degree must have been completed)

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The program is open for all countries. The program supports the implementation of independent research projects at self-selected host institutions. Important for the selection process are: academic qualifications, publications, experience in project planning, fit of the application (project, host organization, career plans), personality, extra-curricular activities. Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of fundoing:
Short-term and longer term grants (3-6 months). Monthly grant rate: EUR 1,750 to + surcharges and travel costs etc.

Depending on desired start of the funding: March 15, June 15 or November 15.

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Re-invitation Program for Former Scholarship Holders

Target group:
Former holders of DAAD research grants or study scholarships, who were funded for a period of over six months. Former East German scholarship holders who studied for at least one year in Germany.

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Eligible for funding are:

  • Research and work projects at state or state-recognized universities or non-university research institutions in Germany

  • Working stays at an institution from business, administration, culture or media for former scholarship holders working outside the scientific field.

  • A research or work stay can also take place at various host institutions.

  • A grant can only be claimed once within three years.

Period/amount of funding:
1 to 3 months; the funding period is determined by a selection committee depending on the project and the work planning. The scholarship cannot be extended. Monthly scholarship rate of EUR 2,000 for assistants, assistant professors and lecturers; EUR 2,150 Euro for professors. The scholarship rate for former scholarship holders working outside the academic sector depends on their qualification and is determined analogously to the rates mentioned above. Subsidy for travel expenses, provided that the costs are not borne by the home country or another party. 

Deadlines depend on country of origin. Please refer to the link to the ▶ DAAD database.

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Short-term grants

Target group:
Doctoral researchers and postdocs from abroad

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Funding is provided for a research project or a training project at a state or state-recognized German university or research institution which is carried out in consultation with an academic supervisor in Germany. Applicants who at the time of application have been in Germany for more than 15 months cannot be considered. For doctoral researchers the begin of their doctoral research phase should not be longer than three years ago.

Period/amount of funding:
One month to max. six months. Monthly grant rate depending on the level of training in the amount of EUR 861 for graduates and EUR 1,200 for doctoral researchers or postdocs (in addition, insurance and travel expenses are supported).

Application deadlines depend on country of origin. Please use the ▶ scholarship database of the DAAD to find application deadlines.

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German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Sino-German (CSC-DAAD) Postdoc Scholarship Program

Target group:
Chinese postdocs and doctoral candidates

Area of studies:

Terms of Application:
Outstanding graduates from Chinese universities can apply.
The doctoral degree should have been completed no longer than two years before the time of application.

Period/amount of funding:
6-24 months up to one year.
Payments made by the CSC: Monthly scholarship payments of EUR 1,350
Payments made by the DAAD: Monthly scholarship payments of EUR 700

Application deadlines depend on the country of origin.

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German Israeli Foundation – G.I.F. Nexus Program (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
Young German and Israeli-born scientists who want to establish contacts in the respective other country

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Electronic application, requirement is a doctorate dating back no longer than eight years at the starting time of the grant. Within the solo-project year a visit to the other country for a minimum of seven working days is mandatory. For group projects there have to take place annually meetings in the chosen institutes.

Period/amount of funding:
Collaborative projects are funden up to four years with a anual maximum of EUR 200,000.

Solo-applications can be funden up to one year with a maximum of EUR 25,000.

Call for Proposals is expected to start February 1, 2025

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Helmholtz – OCPC-program for Chinese postdocs

Target group:
Chinese postdocs (under 35), completion of PhD within the past five years

Area of studies:
Research & Development in all areas

Terms of application:
The program enables the Helmholtz centres to integrate up to 50 postdocs in projects they are implementing or intend to establish with partner institutions in China. Young scientists can apply for the published projects and will receive funding in order to undertake research work at a Helmholtz Center (here: KIT) for up to two years in order to promote sustainable collaboration with the Chinese partners. KIT institutes that are interested should contact KIT - International Affairs by February 20, 2021 with a project proposal.

The opportunity to become involved in a KIT collaboration project primarily targets talented Chinese candidates from a postdoc research station registered with OCPC. Young scientists under the age of 35 with a Chinese passport, who have taken their degree or will take their PhD degree before the final decision in September 2021 in China or abroad, are also eligible to apply as long as they can find a postdoc research station to accept their application and to recommend them to OCPC.

Contact at KIT is ▶ Oliver Kaas of KIT - International Affairs.

Period/Amount of funding:
Two years

  • RMB 300,000 for two years (aprox. EUR 1,585 per month) to be used for subsistence allowance, for health insurance, and for travel expenses during the stay at KIT. 

  • A KIT fellowship of EUR 1,500 per month from decentralised budgets of KIT (e.g. an institute’s budget). Funding must be secure.

There is no information regarding a deadline in 2024.

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Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant

Target group:
Doctoral researchers (at least 3 years research experience ) and postdocs from (inter)national research organizations or from industry

Area of studies:
Link to the (applied) information & data sciences

Terms of application:
The aim of the program is to enable new research collaborations, to foster knowledge exchange, and to explore new or emerging research topics in the field of information and data sciences. For the awarding of the grants, the motivation of the applicant, the quality and originality of the project as well as the basic feasibility within the time frame of the planned research stay are particularly decisive. Furthermore, a relation to the field of Information & Data Science as well as the added value for the research portfolio of the Helmholtz Association must be clearly recognizable. The funding commitment is made in coordination with the Helmholtz centers.

Period/amount of funding:
Research grant (EUR 2860 + subsidies) for a 1-3 months stay at a Helmholtz Center.

March 15 and October 15 every year

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HIDA Trainee Network – Helmholtz-wide exchange program (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Information & data sciences

Terms of Application:
The exchange must take place between two Helmholtz Centers. The funding is awarded in particular on the basis of the applicant’s motivation, the quality and originality of the project, and its basic feasibility within the timeframe of the planned research stay. There must be a clear connection to the information science area. The program is intended to promote exchange between Helmholtz Centers and researchers and to enable young scientists to expand their portfolios.

Period/amount of funding:
One- to three-month-long research stays at another Helmholtz Center.

Two funding options:

1. Funding for travel and material expenses (up to EUR 2000 per month) for Helmholtz‑internal doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

2. Receive a research grant (EUR 2860+ subsidies) for Helmholtz-affiliated postdocs

At the start of 2024, HIDA will conduct an interim evaluation of its exchange programs and make adjustments if necessary. The next call for applications is expected to take place in fall 2024.

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Human Frontier Science Program – Long-term fellowships (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
postdoctoral researchers

Area of studies:
Life sciences

Terms of application:
Applicants must either come from one of the member countries or wishing to stay in one of the member countries.

Period/amount of funding:
three years with USD 45,000 per year plus Travel and Research lump sum.

March 14, 2024

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Human Frontier Science Program – Program Grants (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
teams of independent scientists

Area of studies:
Life sciences

Terms of application:
All team members must be independently able to advance their research.

Period/amount of funding:
up to USD 450,000 per team and year (depends on the number of members of the teams) for three years. Early career researchers can apply for another branch of the program called Early Career.

March 19, 2024

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InnovationCampus "Future Mobility" (ICM) – Mid-term Fellowships for Experts

Target group:
Postdocs, experienced scientists, professors of all countries

Area of studies:
The research topic must have a clear connection to the Innovation Campus “Future Mobility”.

Terms of application:
Within the framework of the “Future Mobility Grants”, experienced scientists of all countries can apply for longer-term stays (2-6 months) at partner universities of the InnovationCampus "Future Mobility" - such as KIT as well as the University of Stuttgart. Details on the research project must be agreed upon with the host institute prior to submitting the application. This scholarship is not designed to fund short-term study travels or trainings.

Period/amount of funding:
This fund covers 2 - 6 months stays at KIT or University of Stuttgart. The fellowship amount will depend on the scientific qualification and, if applicable, on the personal and family status of the nominees. It will be calculated individually based on the followng rates:
Postdocs 2.500 EUR/month, assisstant professor and above 3.000 EUR/month. Additionally, you will be given a research allowance of 500 EUR. To cover the expenses for the outbound and return travel, a non-recurrent travel lump sum will be granted to the scientists, unless these costs are borne by a third party.

April 7, 2024

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InnovationCampus "Future Mobility" (ICM) – Short-term Grants for International Collaboration

Target group:
Postdocs, experienced scientists, professors of all countries

Area of studies:
The research topic must have a clear connection to the Innovation Campus “Future Mobility”.

Terms of application:
Within the framework of the “Future Mobility Grants”, experienced scientists of all countries can apply for several short-term stays
within a year at partner universities of the InnovationCampus "Future Mobility" - such as KIT as well as the University of Stuttgart. Details on the research project must be agreed upon with the host institute prior to submitting the application. This scholarship is not designed to fund short-term study travels or trainings.

Period/amount of funding:
The period of funding is limited to one year only. The scholarship holders will be informed about the maximum amount of funding after the confirmation of fnding. The final amount of funding will be based on the travel expanse report.

April 7, 2024

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International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) – Re-Invitation Grant for Research Alumni (incoming)

Target group:
Former guest researchers from abroad who would like to return to KIT for a short period to carry out a research project, to jointly set up and publish a scientific paper, or to jointly apply for funding for a joint research project with a funding organization

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Prior ▶ registration in the research alumni network with a profile on the ▶ research alumni world map is mandatory. For the application please hand in the application form, the research alumni’s CV and a support letter by the host, including a short sketch of the joint research project during the stay. Contact is ▶ Oliver Kaas.

Period/amount of funding:
One to a maximum of two months, up to EUR 1,500 per month

There is no deadline for 2024 available.

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Minerva Stiftung (Minerva Foundation) – Minerva Fellowship Program (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
German and Israeli doctoral researchers and postdocs

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Applications are made in English. Graduates must have a university degree. Postdocs should have completed their doctorates less than seven years ago.

Period/amount of funding:
Six to 36 months for doctoral researchers, six to 24 months for postdocs (not extendable); Israeli scholarship holders receive EUR 1,477 to EUR 2,500. German scholarship holders received plus EUR 1,698 to EUR 2,858 plus married persons and children's allowance.

June 2024

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Minerva Stiftung (Minerva Foundation) – Minerva Short-Term Research Grants (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
German and Israeli academics younger than 38 years

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
Applications are made electronically. Prerequisites are innovative research fields.

Period/amount of funding:
One to eight weeks; graduates receive EUR 300 a week, postdoctoral researchers receive EUR 450 a week, plus travel allowance of EUR 700.

May 2 and November 2 of every year.

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Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie (UMSC) and Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) (Incoming & Outgoing)

Target group:
experienced researchers with doctoral degree or at least four years of full-time research experience

Area of studies:

Terms of application:
The European Fellowships (EF) support experienced researchers (usually postdocs) in further developing their career by financing a research project at a host institution in an EU Member State or Associated Country. The research project should be aimed at the diversification of the researcher's competences in terms of skill acquisition at a multi- or interdisciplinary level. The topic of the project can be chosen freely by the researcher. Proposals are submitted to either one of eight scientific evaluation panels or one of three separate multidisciplinary evaluation panels.

The next call for applications will open on September 11, 2024.

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