
Find out what Networking Grant travellers say about their experience. The quotes are partly in English and partly in German.

"Planning a research trip during the pandemic was not easy at all, and I am glad that KHYS encouraged me to continue planning the respective networking trip.The KHYS networking grant enabled me to connect [...] with other scientist [...]. The gained insights are a great enrichment [...] I am very thankful for the support!"


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in the USA)

"The networking grant was really a great opportunity that further propelled the exposure of not only my research journey but my working group here at the KIT at large. [...] This is a fellowship I would recommend to any researcher at the KIT who would want to broaden their networking horizon."  


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in the USA)

"It is a great opportunity to establish new contacts. For me it was a possibility to learn a lot about different measurement techniques which have significantly advanced my dissertation. I can highly recommend this experience. Even within one or two weeks you can learn a lot."


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in Switzerland)

"The KHYS Networking Grant is a great opportunity to get to know scientists and to enrich one's own research topic. The exchange was the initial spark for a subsequent successful collaboration with the contact person, through which I learned a lot. The support and help provided by the KHYS for establishing the contact and carrying out the exchange was excellent."


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in France)

"The Networking Grant provides a unique opportunity to visit a working group abroad, giving the possibility to expand your connections and gain a new perspective on your own research. I can only recommend anyone to pursue this opportunity."


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in Scotland)

"The whole experience was very interesting, I made a lot of new contacts and was able to discuss my research with some of the top professionals in my field. This helped me structure my ideas and develop my dissertation further. I would definitely recommend to everyone to use this unique opportunity!"


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in the USA)

"Thanks for the great opportunity. With the Networking Grant one can actually achieve a lot more than we think. I have gained a lot of good experiences with many discussions and seminars within a week, I totally recommend it!"


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in the USA)

"Ich denke, das Networking Grant war ein echter Türöffner. Durch die Förderung konnte ich mit einem der größten Experten in meinem Fachbereich in Kontakt treten. Die Hemmschwelle wurde dadurch deutlich niedriger und ich bin gespannt wie es weitergeht."


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in Switzerland)

"Das KHYS-Networking-Grant hat mir sehr geholfen mich persönlich weiter zu entwickeln und durch die Zusammenarbeit mit meinem Zielkontakt konnte ich meine Arbeit stark voranbringen. Anfangs war ich mir unsicher ob, ich mich überhaupt bewerben soll, weil ich mir nicht ganz zugetraut habe alleine in einem fremden Land einen neuen Kontakt für den Arbeitskreis aufzubauen und dort über meine Forschung zu diskutieren. Durch gutes Zureden meiner Chefin habe ich mich aber dennoch getraut und durch die tolle Vorbereitung und finanzielle Unterstützung des KHYS ist der Auslandaufenthalt zu einem Erfolg geworden. Vielen Dank!"


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in Denmark)

"Getting in touch with international experts having an entrepreneurial mindset is always inspiring and fascinating. Thanks to KHYS networking grant for providing me with this opportunity."


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in Sweden)

"Networking Grant gave me an opportuntiy to experience working in a different atmosphere and exchanging knowledge and experience with people who have similar research interests to mine."


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in France)

"Der Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit mit Wissenschaftler*innen weltweit bedeutet eine ernome fachliche und persönliche Bereicherung. Der Networking Grant bietet Doktorand*innen hierfür ideale Möglichkeiten."


(Doktorandin des KIT, Kontakt geknüpft in Peru)

"Der Networking Grant bot für mich die ideale Gelegenheit, eine Person kennenzulernen, von der ich bisher nur die Publikationen kannte. Ich kann jedem Promovierenden empfehlen, den Networking Grant für einen fachlichen Austausch zu nutzen, sowie um neue Eindrücke und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Es lohnt sich!"


(KIT doctoral researcher, contact established in Norway)

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Networking Grant

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