Your Contact Persons
If you have questions and wishes, contact us. We are glad to help and look forward to talking to you.
Name | Title | Activity | Phone | |
Trautwein, Britta | Dr. | Director | +49 721 608-46942 | britta trautwein ∂ kit edu |
Gregolec, Gabriele | Dr. | Deputy Director | +49 721 608-45737 | gabriele gregolec ∂ kit edu |
Schmoch, Beate | Dipl.-Übers. | Administration Office, Research Travel Grant | +49 721 608-46185 | beate schmoch ∂ kit edu |
Name | Title | Activity | Phone | |
Civilotti, Nadine | M.A. | Application Advice for Doctoral Programs, KHYS Qualification Program | +49 721 608-46202 | nadine civilotti ∂ kit edu |
Craanen, Michael | Dr. | Quality Management in the Doctoral Research Phase, IT Support | +49 721 608-46210 | michael craanen ∂ kit edu |
Earnshaw, Claire | Dr. | KHYS Further Education Program | +49 721 608-47042 | claire earnshaw ∂ kit edu |
Götze, Stefan | Dr. | Application Advice for Clusters, Support of structured PhD program initiatives (GRK, GRS, etc.), quality assurance, KHYS qualification program | +49 721 608 46186 | stefan goetze ∂ kit edu |
Hahmann, Andreas | M.Sc. | Graduate Funding from the German States | +49 721 608-41922 | andreas hahmann ∂ kit edu |
Jautzus, Theresa | Dr. | Support of doctoral programs during the term, networking of doctoral programs at KIT | +49 721 608 45743 | theresa jautzus ∂ kit edu |
Kičmerová, Denisa | M.A. | KHYS Postdoc Office, Funding Programs | +49 721 608-46201 | denisa kicmerova ∂ kit edu |
Klein-Hitpaß, Jutta | M.A. | International funding programs, advisory services | +49 721 608-46209 | jutta klein-hitpass ∂ kit edu |
Leander, Lisa | Dr. | on Parental Leave | +49 721 608 47042 | lisa leander ∂ kit edu |
Lichtenberger, Eva | M.A. | Events, KHYS-Foyergespräche, KIT Doctoral Days, KHYS Research Travel Grant | +49 721 608-46941 | eva lichtenberger ∂ kit edu |
Mazko, Nadja | Dipl-Betriebsw. (FH) | +49 721 608-45744 | nadja mazko ∂ kit edu | |
Naumann, Simone | Dr. | Project KIM-DOC, registration in Docata | +49 721 608-46224 | simone naumann ∂ kit edu |
Schmitt, Jana | M.A. | Inquiries, advisory services, Coordinator KHYS Postdoc Office, Career advice for postdocs | +49 721 608-45293 | postdoc ∂ khys kit edu |
Schroff, Viola | M.A. | KHYS Postdoc Office, events | +49 721 608-46212 | viola schroff2 ∂ kit edu |
Name | Title | |
Matveyeva, Olga | olga matveyeva9 ∂ kit edu | |
Abou Hasheesh, Ahmad | ahmad hasheesh9 ∂ kit edu | |
Hagenlocher, Dominic | dominic hagenlocher9 ∂ kit edu | |
Leliak, Elizaveta | elizaveta leliak9 ∂ kit edu | |
Tangen, Johanna | johanna tangen9 ∂ kit edu | |
Hoffmann, Letizia | letizia hoffmann9 ∂ kit edu | |
Cocciolo, Lucio Javier | lucio cocciolo9 ∂ kit edu | |
Bülbül, Merve | merve buelbuel9 ∂ kit edu | |
Beggs, Patrick | patrick beggs9 ∂ kit edu | |
Nechitaliuk, Polina | polina nechitaliuk9 ∂ kit edu | |
Zelling, Wendy | wendy zelling9 ∂ kit edu |
Name | Title | Activity | Phone | |
Duthie, Karolina | Dr. | Office | +49 721 608-46184 | karolina duthie ∂ kit edu |
Paul, Lilith | M.A. | Administrative and organizational assistance of Young Investigator Network (YIN) | +49 721 608-46184 | geschaeftsstelle ∂ yin kit edu |
Seemann, Gunnar | Dr. | Administrative and organizational assistance of Young Investigator Network (YIN) | +49 721 608-46213 | gunnar seemann ∂ kit edu |