Connecting Young Scientists (ConYS)
The next call for application presumably in late autumn 2024.
KHYS aims at increasing the reliability of scientific career paths for young scientists. In the framework of the ▶ KHYS Postdoc Office we have therefore implemented the flexible and modular funding scheme Connecting Young Scientists (ConYS) which enables postdoctoral researchers1 to independently develop and extend career-specific networks. The objective of the program is to support postdocs in increasing their self-reliance and further developing their profile. Postdocs can network with partners of their own choice and thus precisely tailor the modules to fit their career orientation and goals. ConYS enables postdocs to use professional networks as building blocks for their career strategy, for example for advancing their research projects, for preparing research proposals for third-party funding, for initiating their next postdoc position abroad, or for getting in touch with potential employees from the private sector. Networking partners can be other research groups in Germany or around the globe as well as universities, industry companies, and other organizations.
For further information, please click on the links in the tiles below. In addition you can download the PDF file with the ▶ Current Call for Application. Details on the content, scope and payment arrangements for the three modules of ConYS are provided in the ▶ Description of Modules.
At a Glance
Target group: postdoctoral researchers at KIT1
Supported activities: ConYS consists of three different modules:
The networking partners can be different ones for the various modules.
Scope of funding: The maximum sum for each funding package is EUR 5,000. Each package can cover one or several of the three modules.
KHYS internationalization & networking programs for postdocs.
Tel. +49 (0)721 608-41922 E-Mail: ▶ conys∂
Person in charge: ▶ Denisa Kičmerová
This measure is part of the KHYS Postdoc Office and sponsored by
1 KIT postdocs are early-career researchers and young scientists who have received their doctorates and are doing research at KIT for a qualification phase that generally takes three years. The postdoctoral phase at KIT can be done directly after the doctorate or after an already completed postdoctoral phase (up to 6 years after the doctorate max.) at another university or non-university research institution in Germany or abroad.