

Project Management in Research (Forschungsbezug) (two-day, zweitägig)

Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013, 9:00-17:00
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Seminarraum wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Project Management in Research Content Projects are tasks beyond routine work and require a specific management. Successful project management needs multiple skills and is a basis for changes and innovative processes in plenty fields/subjects of studies. This seminar focuses on fundamentals of an effective project management: structures, organization, project-oriented leading and observing of aims in relation of time, cost and quality. Expert knowledge, leadership qualities, competence of methods and commitment are relevant. This course combines aims, planning, setting milestones, design, organization, controlling and evaluation of projects considering of risk management, internal and external influencing factors, quality standards and conflict resolution in project work. Connecting theory and practice participants will learn systematically essential tools and instruments. Target group Academic staff Date Tue/ Wen 22th/ 23th of October 2013, each 09:00 -17:00 o'clock (two-day) Charge 395 € (intern), 495 € (external), 40 €* (Nachwuchswissenschaftler am KIT) Das Seminar ist auf Englisch * Bezuschusst durch die Universitätsleitung ** gefördert durch das Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)