KIT PhD Symposium


In order to improve the quality of the contributions to the symposium, different hints and guidelines are here made available:



In addition to the generic tips listed in the three documents, we would like to remind the PhD students of the official requirements:
- the abstract must be at most 200 words and at most 1500 characters long;
- the posters must follow the official KIT guidelines and layout available for download in this page and must be printed in ISO A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) format; the time available for each poster presentation is 5 minutes;
- the presentation must be at most 12 minutes long, 3 additional minutes are available for discussion. The speaker will be warned after 10 minutes and stopped after 12 minutes. The presentation must also follow the KIT guidelines and model, both available for download in this page. Unfortunately, no official Latex models are available from KIT.

Contact us for more information.


"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham